Latest news, useful features and tips for your Salesforce

Salesforce Customers: Rise of Legends

December 6, 2016

Good chefs have secret ingredients that turn ordinary food into true masterpieces. In business, Salesforce is the secret ingredient you need to increase efficiency, improve customer satisfaction, and plan future strategy.

When selecting a Salesforce solution for your organization, you have two options: configure it (no coding), or customize it. (You can read more about Salesforce configuration and customization here.)

Since you’re investing a lot of money into Salesforce, you want to make sure you’re getting the maximum use from the product. Here are a few lifehacks when it comes configuring Salesforce.

Configuration Lifehack #1

Create necessary Reports and Dashboards and add them to the Home page. Having quick access to this information will increase your overall efficiency.

Configuration Lifehack #2

Use Chatter for internal staff communication. You can brainstorm new business ideas, share files, and create interest groups.

Configuration Lifehack #3

Adjust the Sidebar by adding the widgets you use most often.

Configuration Lifehack #4

Use the Calendar and Task Manager. Just like a caring mom, Salesforce will remind you about important events. No more forgotten tasks or missed meetings!

Configuration Lifehack #5

Take a closer look at ListView for a quick search of filtered information (such as accounts, custom objects, or contacts).

Configuration Lifehack #6

The Help and Training Salesforce portal is filled with information not only for developers, but for ordinary users as well. You can use the educational materials to increase your own knowledge of Salesforce or to help train a new employee.

You may still need an extra bit of coding after your overall Salesforce configuration. Here’s how we helped one of our clients who required more coding.

Company Z is successfully selling cosmetics both online and offline. In an effort to be more client-focused, they decided to create a way for their clients to schedule a meeting with a makeup artist. Syntegrico developed a custom solution with the following functionality:

  • On client’s request, available makeup artists are automatically reassigned for a specified time.
  • A one-page order form allows clients the ability to check the makeup artist’s availability and choose a payment type (online or in-store).
  • A integrated third-party solution (Magento website) with Salesforce provided more detailed analytics using data from both sources.
  • Automated card payment processing records online and instore payment methods.

When it comes to choosing Salesforce configuration and customization, it’s always a good idea to start with the client in mind. What type of experience do you want them to have when they come to your site?

If you are not striving to provide the best possible customer experience, we can bet that your competitors are. Make sure you stay ahead of the competition! Email us with your business needs and our certified Salesforce developers and engineers will be happy to share best practices and insider tips.