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Marketing Automation with Pardot

March 19, 2017

Did you know that around 79% of marketing leads are never converted into sales? Although sales and marketing teams are both working towards the same goal, oftentimes they seem to be going in opposite directions. What’s the best way to get sales and marketing on the same page? The answer is marketing automation.

Studies have shown that companies with a marketing automation solution achieve a 36% higher customer retention rate along with a 38% increase in sales.

Salesforce offers several marketing solutions including the Marketing Cloud itself, Social Studio, and Pardot. If you’re looking for marketing automation, Pardot it your answer. Pardot allows marketers to create emails, landing pages, schedule social media posts and measure overall engagement. Here are some of the features.

Lead Tracking

With Pardot, marketers can easily track leads and zero in on their needs. Each lead get scored for every interaction on websites, landing pages, social media or email. Pardot also offers direct integration with AdWords.

Suppose a lead visited a landing page where the latest model of your company’s 3D printer is advertised. You see that the lead clicked on your ad in Google, returned to your page several times and then emailed you asking for a price. You know there is a high level of interest in buying the printer. You can reply to the request and mention a discount for this model if they buy within the next two hours.

By utilizing lead tracking, companies have reported a 40% increase in marketing productivity.

Posting Capabilities


Successful brands realize the importance of reaching customers where they are and in the manner they wish to be engaged. Social media is still a relatively new communication channel, but it can definitely bring in a substantial amount of warm leads. Pardot helps brands spread their marketing message on multiple social media platforms from one simple posting interface.

Campaign Builder

Email marketing is one of the most effective methods of communication between brands and their customers. When a cold lead shows interest in a particular product, a marketer can send a personalized email with the right offer at the right time. A/B testing, basic open/click metrics, reports, and analytics all work together to enhance email campaigns.

If a brand is looking to collect more emails, Pardot has an easy way to create landing pages with a built-in drag & drop form builder. Using landing pages can increase website leads by up to 63%.

Task Automation

Lead assignment, segmentation and nurturing are all automated in Pardot. This allows additional time and resources for more important tasks.


“Without big data analytics, companies are blind and deaf, wandering out onto the web like deer on a freeway.” – Geoffrey Moore. 

Pardot’s accurate ROI reporting provides real-time details on all your marketing activities.

Of course, to get the most out of Pardot’s functionality, you need to integrate it with Salesforce. Here’s an example of how we helped one of our clients do just that.

A non-profit college had been using Pardot for two years, collecting more than 40,000 leads into its database. They wanted to integrate Pardot with their existing Salesforce solution. After a thorough analysis of the existing Pardot configuration, Syntegrico developed a customized Pardot solution with the following benefits:

Updated and optimized business processes. Licenses usage optimization and synchronization with Salesforce was achieved by mapping custom fields, updating lead and contact page layouts and mapping users to Pardot.

 Collected and implemented marketing department processes requests. Created forms, landing page templates, lists and layouts for generating new partners and students.

 Developed documentation. Created internal rules to configure the whole Pardot system.

 Resolved issues with duplicate leads in Pardot database. Developed a tool to find duplicates in Pardot that automatically creates a report in Salesforce to help make decisions regarding the duplicates.

RESULT: Pardot and Salesforce are now optimized to work together, simplifying the Customer’s overall business processes.

In conclusion, Pardot is a must have tool if you’re looking to enhance and automate your marketing program. If you want to integrate it with Salesforce, Syntegrico can certainly help. Contact us right now!

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