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SF Summer ‘15 Release Guide

May 13, 2015

Syntegrico is always on the cutting edge of Salesforce technology, enabling us to provide innovative solutions to clients. Now the Summer ’15 Release is here, let’s look at it in more detail, specifically the 8 Key Dates of its Summer ’15th Release that Salesforce released on May 21.

In this release, just as the previous ones, Salesforce provides users with a thorough selection of useful updates that include features, dates to mark, preview videos, and pages of release notes.


info source:

Key Dates

April 23rd – Release notes made available and release website updated.
April 24th – See which “ Coming In Summer ‘15” ideas made it into the new release.
May 8th & 9th – Sandboxes are upgraded.
May 22nd – NA1 Instance is upgraded.
June 5th – Second Release weekend (NA6, NA7, NA8, NA9, NA17, NA18, NA22)
June 12 & 13th – Final Release weekend
Mid June – Release training available

Since Salesforce’s main focus is on fulfilling customers’ needs and improving product usability, they have provided a filter option in the new Release Notes. Using these filters, you can easily find relevant information about the modified features.

Salesforce Summer'15 Release Notes


Want updates on other important release dates? Find them at the Major Release Schedule section of the Salesforce trust site at 

Salesforce release schedule
Another useful resource is Admin Quick Wins Guide, which is a terrific tool from Salesforce for administrators. This PDF identifies the seven features in the Summer ‘15 release that are quick and easy to turn on.

At Syntegrico, we are always on track of new and upcoming trends. We hope you find this guide on the new Summer ‘15 release useful, as we’ve identified the most significant dates and resources for you. If you want to leave more, please feel free to leave us a comment or email us at

What’s next, you may ask? As a team of experienced Salesforce professionals, rest assured that we are on the look out for the latest updates so we can help you derive the most benefit out of Salesforce.