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4 Ways to Use Salesforce to Provide Exceptional Customer Service

April 25, 2017

Providing an exceptional customer experience is more important than ever. 72% of businesses named customer experience as their #1 priority for 2017. In this article, we discuss four ways to use the power of Salesforce to provide outstanding customer service.


1. Provide exceptional customer service by personalizing offers

Exceptional service happens when you know your customer better than they know themselves. The Salesforce Commerce Cloud and Einstein allows you to personalize user experiences on your website. This technology analyzes every single touchpoint, providing smart analytics on customers’ habits and preferences. All of this data gives you the insight you need to provide a highly personalized and relevant customer experience every time.


2. Provide exceptional customer service with mobile


Providing your customers with a mobile app can make shopping easier and more enjoyable. The Salesforce App Cloud can help you create the right mobile application for your business. A mobile app also serves to collect valuable information about your customer, which in turn, helps to provide an even better and more personalized customer experience. With a mobile app, you can deliver the latest updates, offer shipping or product discounts and notify customers instantly via push notifications. This can lead to an increase in sales along with a higher customer retention rate.


3. Provide exceptional customer service with Live Chat and Chatbots

Did you know that 79% of online customers consider Live Chat a preferable form of communication? A customized LiveChat solution allows you to respond to incoming web inquiries in less than 15 seconds (as compared to 1.5 minutes on the phone). Faster response time leads to happier customers.

Chatbots can be used to automate routine inquiries while giving your customer support agents added time to focus on more complicated issues. Simple user cases like obtaining customer information, taking food orders or suggesting a lipstick or makeup color can be automated by Chatbots.


4. Provide exceptional customer service with social media

A couple of years ago, a story circulated about Morton’s steakhouse delivering the ultimate customer experience. Peter Shankman, author and lover of Morton’s steaks, was returning home to New York from a trip. He jokingly posted the following on Twitter:


Morton’s was paying attention. A representative waited for Shankman in the baggage claim area with a sign and a steak dinner. ABC news even featured the story.

Salesforce’s Social Studio is a powerful tool that can help with your social media program. It provides you with live updates as to what people are saying about your brand on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn. Social Studio empowers your business to respond to and resolve issues almost instantly right from your Salesforce.


If you want more tips on how to use Salesforce to increase customer satisfaction, contact us! We’ll be happy to help!

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