Latest news, useful features and tips for your Salesforce


March 27, 2015

In the Part 1, we discussed new features of Salesforce Spring’ 15. In this new post, we continue to review useful updates of Spring’ 15th release. – Use Thanks and Skills for Free

Salesforce chatterThe Salesforce team has just expanded the possibilities of dynamic communication between colleagues with This is a useful social management platform that helps companies coordinate, motivate, and accelerate a work process. Nice surprise for users, now you may use custom badges and share your expertise absolutely for free! You can also use thanks badges and it will cost you nothing! But to take activate these all-new features, you still need a license.

This updated version of Salesforce also showcases a Skills functionality. This is the fastest and most productive way to show your professional experience and skills to your colleagues. Create your own skills, endorse your colleagues and, who knows, maybe you may even find the right partner inside your organization.

Advantages: Having a more dynamic internal communication with your colleagues is much more fun. Skills functionality better showcases your professional growth.

8.Deliver Social Customer Care

twitter-facebookThe best way to deliver social customer care is through greater engagement in social networks.  And Salesforce helps you with that! In the updated version, you can connect your Facebook and Twitter accounts directly from Salesforce without Radian6 contract. The Starter Pack gives you an opportunity to provide your customers with up-to-date information.

Advantages: Easier to keep in touch with your customers using social networks.


9.Inactive Users Are Not A Problem Anymore

Salesforce Spring ’15 release just brought us another much-needed feature. Remember what we used to do with inactive users? Only administrators had the opportunity to edit records owned by inactive users. Well, this situation has been changed! Now, all users with the create or edit license, as well as modify data of inactive users.

 Advantages: An opportunity to edit records owned by inactive users has become available.

10. Standard Address Fields Show Google Maps

 Standard Address Fields Show Google MapsWe also noticed some changes in the standard address field. Instead of simple address symbols, we see an entire picture which shows a Google Maps image of the location. However, we noticed that  you have to put a relevant info about a certain location: city, street, state, postal code or the country. If you miss something, it won’t display a map. The picture is static but it links you to the location on Google maps.

Advantages: The address displays in Google maps.

11. Changes In Supported Browsers

Another important update in Spring ’15 release is on supported browsers. Salesforce refuses to support  Microsoft Internet Explorer versions 7 and 8. After its Summer ’15 release, Salesforce customer support will no longer review any issues related to these browser versions. So, now that you are aware of these future changes, you  still have time to adopt new measures to ensure browser compatibility

There are the most valuable features of Salesforce Spring’ 15 Release for us and our customers. We are looking for the next Summer ’15 release!